The Final Month of Pregnancy Must Do List!

Around 38 weeks pregnant the OBGYN told me what every pregnant lady wants to hear:

“The baby is in position!  We could be seeing you in as little as 24 hours or it could be a little while still”.

When it’s  your first baby those are the magic words.  “It could be a little while still” immediately was poo pooed from my thoughts.  All I heard was “24 hours”.  I waddled out of the OBGYN as fast as I could, stocked up on cheese platters for my guests, drank my last hurrah milkshake, and grabbed Wendys for the last time.  Threw a few last minute things in my hospital bag and called my mom to tell her the news.  I sat on the couch and waited for my water to break.

Well. 4 weeks and 15 pounds later I was STILL pregnant.

In fact, that’s what we say when people call or text right?

Mom: How’s your day?

Me: Still pregnant.


Easy E:  Hi! What’s on the docket today?

Me: Still pregnant.


Friend: How are you feeling?

Me: Still pregnant.

There was only ONE question I didn’t use that answer for.

Mom: Do you want to go for lunch?

Me: Yes.


Easy E: Want to grab pizza tonight after work?

Me: Yes


Friend: How are you feeling?

Me: Want to go grab tacos?

I’m a healthy eater and didn’t gain tons my first 38 weeks pregnant.  But knowing it was all about to be over I started treating each day like a person being served their last meal.  And as the days went on my patience, like my shirts, started wearing thinner and thinner.  I needed to fill those last few weeks and that’s what I did.

So my gift for every lady guaranteeing herself “Today is the day” here are the top things to do in your last month of pregnancy.

Make a New Daddy Basket

Mine was nothing fancy but it was enough to keep me entertained for a few days.  I found one of the many baskets left over at my baby shower and filled it with toiletries, snacks, a card to Easy E, some scratchy lottery tickets, mini bottled waters, a new daddy onesie.  Then when I was done I left it at my mom’s house to hold onto until the big day.

Label your linen closet

  • If you do nothing else with your time, do this.  My friends, cousins, and family mocked me, but let me tell you who had the last laugh.  My linen closet was labeled “Burp Cloths” to “Guest Bath” and it was the BEST decision I ever made.  Easy E didn’t know a burp cloth from a wash cloth, so when I asked him or any unknowing non mommy friend to grab something they could just find it.  I didn’t have to scream out what shelf and what side like I was playing Battleship against my linen closet.  Also when Easy E would help put away laundry it was super easy.  As you can see labels don’t need to be pretty! I used index cards!

Create, stock, and label a pantry.

  • We don’t have a real pantry so a few shelves in a closet worked for us.  Every time I went grocery shopping during my pregnancy I’d pick up a package of paper towels, or toilet paper, or soap.  It all added up.  At the very end I took out 100.00 and bought one last mother load and labeled a mini pantry with the following:
  • Soap
  • Toilet Paper
  • Paper Towels
  • Coffee
  • Detergent
  • Dishwasher Pods
  • Toothbrushes/Toothpaste
  • Chips for guests
  • Sponges (Huge one!)
  • Thank you Cards

And let me tell you Easy E and I didn’t have to worry about going to the store for basic toiletries for almost four months.  It was awesome and the last thing you want to worry about with a new baby and no sleep is where you are going to grab toilet paper at 3 AM.

Write a letter to your non pregnant self

One day I felt really bad for myself.  I was just tired of being pregnant and wrote a letter to myself and when I went into labor Easy E knew to put it on the fridge for my return.  This was one of the most mocked things I did, and something that I am so glad I did.  Those first few weeks with no sleep I’d stop and read that letter and remind myself that all of this nonstop madness was way better than waiting around and unable to move.

Walk. And walk. And walk some more.

I walked and walked and walked.  My goal was 2-3 miles a day.  By the end of my pregnancy I went out three different times a day and just did a mile each.  After that I’d need tons of rest.  Of course, I selfishly hoped it would make the baby come faster.  It didn’t.  But I did have an extremely fast labor for a first time mommy (6 hours from first contraction to last push).  It also helped me to sleep somewhat better and gave me a goal each day.

Pamper Yourself

No more all day spa marathons…instead you spread that out so you have something all the time.  Get a haircut, get a manicure, get a pedicure, get your eyebrows done, get ANOTHER pedicure, buy some make up you wanted, shave daily.  It’s truly all over for sometime when you have a baby so feel as beautiful as you can before that baby comes.  I got a trim right before Mags came and then it was almost five months until I made it out again.

Don’t binge watch shows you want now, DVR them for later!

Big Little Lies had just aired on HBO and once I started it, it made waking up to breastfeed all night so much more exciting! I couldn’t wait to see the next episode!  Same thing with The Jinx.  You will need something to look forward to in those long nights, or to at least distract you from how tired you are.  Get a little stockpile!

I am not going to tell you to sit and enjoy it.  I love every aspect of my life and don’t like to rush things.  However, at the end of being pregnant you are literally JUST BEING PREGNANT.  Keep yourself busy with small tasks that will make your life easier after the baby comes.