Getting the “perfect” shot with a one year old!

We decided to do a photo shoot as a family for Mag’s first birthday.  We prepped and planned hoping for that “perfect” shot!  While it may be impossible with a one year old, these tips and tricks helped us get photos we will cherish forever!

Do not pay money for things that can’t be guaranteed.

I wanted a drug free birth, but refused to pay for the classes to help.  Why? Because it could all be a huge waste if the baby was in distress and I was forced into a C section.  Same thing with a baby at a photo shoot.  You cannot control if they are going to want to cooperate, or if the weather goes sour, or the million distractions that can pop up, and mostly, if they want to smile.  Therefore, I’ll never break the bank paying for a photographer.  We bought a Groupon for 55.00 that included five images at the end.  Trust me, if you get five great images you’ll be very happy.  And for 55.00 if we didn’t get a perfect picture I wouldn’t have been totally frustrated.

Tell your photographer what you want.  And be very clear.

I emailed the photographer and wrote everything that was in my head.  I knew I wanted specific shots, and had a few requests.  For example, I had this adorable matching outfit for  me and Mags to wear, but once I put it on I sort of resembled a fat tooth fairy.  Not quite as little in the midsection as I remembered.  So, I wrote the photographer and explained that I wanted some shots in these matching outfits but wanted Mags to be hiding my midsection.  Also told her I’d run behind a tree and change after.

A well placed baby makes for a Mommy Win!

Bring props that work for your child.

I searched Pinterest.  And Google.  And my friend’s facebooks.  But, Maggie loves bubbles so I opted against a huge buy of picnic baskets and red gingham blankets and brought her favorite blanket and a bubble machine from Five and Below.  Stick to what your baby loves.  She reached for those bubbles and smiled the entire time!

Feed the child before you go.  

Mags is always happier after a meal.  We gave her a nice big dinner first.  Of course, wait until after to put on that outfit you prepared.

Remember, your child does not care about your photos.

Mags sat on the dock, pulled off the bow I had carefully picked out and dropped it into the lake.  As it floated away, I realized I was either jumping in after it or moving on.  JUST MOVE ON.  If your child pulls off their shoes, let them do the photos barefoot.  Take their lead.

Tell your poor husband what he is getting into.

Easy E is called that for a reason.  But, he is a guy.  And sometimes, he just goes through things without thinking at all about what’s coming.  I gave Easy E a rundown.  I want to get a photo of her and you fishing.  I want to change my clothes out of Fat Tooth Fairy outfit so need you to hold Maggie in that moment.  You don’t spill the bubbles as much as I do, so can you run the bubble machine.  It saved time and Easy E was an ENORMOUS help!

When in doubt, SMILE.

I’m a big believer in “Smile and Be Grateful”.  On my wedding day I plastered a smile on my face all day and there isn’t one picture of me that I look like a droopy dope.  Smile the entire shoot.  Even when you are looking at baby or talking to them.  Because the photographer kept shooting and shooting and a lot of my favorite moments were the ones of me and Mags where we were just being us but since I was smiling, the shot came out ok!

These are the times to remember.

A good shoot.  A bad shoot.  It’s snapshots of life with a baby.  Every minute you see those photos your baby is a moment older, it’s gone and fleeting.  We are not a perfect family, so we don’t expect a perfect shot.  Maybe a well angled one to hide a love handle or a stain on a pair of shorts, but not a perfect one.